Master today’s most important tax concepts and gain an understanding of the most current tax legislation with SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2019: ESSENTIALS OF TAXATION: INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ENTITIES, 22E. This brief edition’s market-leading presentation helps you thoroughly grasp key taxation concepts and applications. You’ll find the latest tax legislation at the time of publication, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Learning features, such as “”Big Picture”” examples, tax scenarios and “”What If?”” cases, clarify concepts and sharpen your critical-thinking, writing skills, and online research skills. Each new book includes access to Intuit ProConnect tax software; the professional tax research tool, Checkpoint (Student Edition) from Thomson Reuters; and CPA review questions from Becker. CNOWv2 online homework solution and MindTap Reader also provide tax coverage for immediate and long-term success.
South-Western Federal Taxation 2019 Essentials of Taxation Individuals and Business Entities
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