Organizational Behavior in Education, 11/e gives future and current educational administrators, superintendents, principals, and assistant principals an authoritative, well-established, timely look at organizational behavior and how leaders can create more effective school cultures. It offers the most up-to-date thinking and the most in-depth exploration of organizational leadership as it relates to decision making, organizational change, managing conflict and communications, and motivating self and others to achieve organizational goals. The authors challenge readers to develop and analyze the successful implementation of school reform, while helping them gain a professional understanding of the organizational theory and research that are the bedrock of modern practice. The new Eleventh Edition features updated research and developments in the field; an extensively revised, more systematic and logical presentation of organizational theory and its historical development; discussion of the new ELCC Standards and Elements that apply to program accreditation in Ed Leadership programs; APA format for all references and citations; new presentations of important research in the field; and more.
Organizational Behavior in Education Leadership and School Reform 11th Edition
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